epcot Rides

living with the land

  • Good for all ages.

  • Explains farming evolution over time. Takes you through greenhouse.

  • Skippable.

the seas with nemo and friends

  • Good for all ages.

  • Great Nemo ride through. At the end of the ride be sure to walk through the aquarium and see the dolphins, manatees and other species of fish.

  • Would recommend.

turtle talk with crush

  • Good for all ages.

  • Funny, interactive ride. Before going on, have your kids think of a turtle-related question to ask Crush the turtle.

  • Would recommend.


  • Must be 40 inches to ride.

  • Must do. Would recommend.

Motion Sickness.

journey into the imagination with figment

  • Good for all ages.

  • Dated. Skippable.

spaceship earth

  • Good for all ages.

  • Journey through the past and into the future while learning about the history of human communication.

  • This the most classic Epcot Ride. However, it is skippable.

mission space

  • Must be over 40 inches tall for green. 44 inches tall for orange.

  • Green version has no spin or tilt. Orange version is more intense.

  • Must do. Would recommend.

Motion Sickness. Enclosed Space.

test track

  • Good for all ages.

  • Design a car virtually and then test the quality of the design. High speed. Quick turns. Jerky at times.

  • Must do. Would recommend.

High Speeds. Quick Turns.

  • Must be over 42 inches tall.

  • Dark, Thrill Ride. 50 mph speed.

  • Must do. Would recommend.

Motion Sickness. Drops. Speed.

guardians of the galaxy: Cosmic rewind

Gran Fiesta Tour Starring the Three Caballeros 

  • Good for all ages.

  • Great little boat ride in Mexico Pavilion.

  • Skippable if you dislike slow boat rides.

FRozen ever after

  • Good for all ages.

  • Great for Frozen Fans.

  • Sometimes the long wait time isn’t worth the ride. If that’s the case, then its skippable.

Short Drop.

Remy’s Ratatouille Adventure

  • Good for all ages

  • Shrink down to the size of a mouse and run around a kitchen.

  • Must do. Great family ride.